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Welcome to Dream's Edge Publishing

An Innovative Publisher

Dream's Edge Publishing is an author-friendly Publisher founded in 2020. We are passionate about helping writers from all walks of life reach their creative dreams and achieve literary success.




Due to continued ill health and personal problems we at Dream’s Edge Publishing will not be taking on any new writers for the foreseeable future.

We will continue to work with the existing writers on our books and finish all contracted projects.

Keep dreaming.



Radical Rhymes is a recovering academic who turned to poetry and art to ensure his continued survival. He is a Cornishman living in Wales and enjoys reading, music and most sports. He was recently described as eccentric, which is probably the kindest way to describe it.

His debut poetry and art motivational book Embers of Hope will be out in time for December & Christmas.

Not only as an ebook, but paperback, and a beautiful hardback edition available soon.

We the publisher, and the author Radical Rhymes in particular would like to thank people so much that took the time and effort to give feedback on a recent cover problem. It was a very evenly split poll about 55% going for the one we all chose in the end. Though we took on a lot of the feedback the red cover did "pop" more we felt the orange complemented the author's art and that is the main thing to us, making the author's work look as good as possible and to have a great relationship with author and reader alike. Everyone that e-mailed their opinion might get a wee nice surprise in their e-mail on publication date, so watch this space.



Vanessa Krauss is one of our most prestigious authors and we are so proud to now publish her complete FATALITY SERIES


Horizons Corporation is a distant memory, but the damage they wrought remains. Humanity has seen the Forces for what they are, and they are suffering. Fatality is tasked with healing the injured and dying nature gods, but everywhere she turns, something is watching, out to get her.

Worse, Void has announced his return. The old gods are back, and they demand sacrifices. How can Fatality save everyone when she might not be able to save herself?

The asteroid is coming.

Three Wasted Chances is an action-packed dystopic mythological/sci-fi story and is the third and final novel in the Fatality series.


Vanessa Krauss second novel in the popular FATALITY SERIES: DUALITY OF FORCES was published in November 2022.


It has been months since the Phase II incident at Hidden Horizons. Acid Trip is dead, Fatality is missing, but the Horizons Corporation remains. The organization has all the data they need to bring them closer to their goal… and the three remaining Aons to help them accomplish it.
Lexicon is tasked with exposing the Forces and making the rest of the world see these gods for what they are. She yearns to be free, like her sister, Fatality. But one way or another, Lexicon must follow her escape plan.
Heads will roll, many may die, anything to get the cursed control chips out of her skull and live a life away from the corporation that’s enslaved her all this time.
Duality of Forces is a thrilling dystopic mythological/sci-fi story and is the second novel in the Fatality series.


Vanessa Krauss debut novel in the FATALITY SERIES: ONE AON FATALITY was published in May 2021.


She was written off as dead. Fatality as she was known, not befitting a proper name was an Aon. They are created for one reason – to eliminate Forces. Literal gods, embodiments of nature, obstacles in the way of Horizons’ goals.

This Aon wanted to be more than the Horizons Corporation’s failed experiment.

“We are made for the greater good.” Her brother had said.

When she receives a one-way ticket from the Moon to planet Earth, she sees hope.

All her existence Fatality had been told that her functions were to hunt and kill. She wanted to be more than an assassin.

Set in the year 2204, this is a unique dystopic mythological/sci-fi story of creation versus creator where science and nature, the familiar and the fantastical, clash.


“One Aon Fatality is a thought-provoking, character-driven novel that encourages the reader to contemplate perspectives outside of their comfort zone. Highly recommended!” – Midwest Book Review




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Lisa Caines is an artist from Newfoundland Canada who has been drawing since the early age of four. Lisa has a diploma in graphic design. Her greatest love in drawing is animals, birds, and cartoons. She loves wildlife and cares deeply about the environment. She is passionate about drawing and her art. She hopes deep from her heart that her art brings joy to people. Her first, of what we hope will be many, art books will be out in November 2022.



Dream’s Edge Publishing is linking up with other publishing houses and many writers to develop, in 2023, a great story/poetry/art collection about the environment.

The idea is to celebrate mother nature and the beauty of the world around us. At the same time, we plan to show the environmental threat our world is facing via the stories, poems and artworks that are submitted.

The collection won’t be self-righteous or in any way preachy. We are aiming for an entertaining, educational, and enlightening tone.

We’ve already had some top writers submit work and agree to submit stories, poems, and art but we would really like more. The more the merrier as they say.

Actress, Katy Manning, probably most famous as Jo Grant alongside Jon Pertwee’s Doctor Who, has agreed to write the foreword for the book and appear on the front cover.

Submissions of new, unpublished work only will be accepted. Copyright is retained by the contributor, but publishing rights belong to Dream’s Edge Publishing.

Please submit all written works as a clean, unformatted word document.

If your work is accepted for publication, Dreams Edge Publishing retain the right to edit or amend your work as necessary.

Once your work has been accepted for publication, you are not allowed to republish it elsewhere for six months following the date of publication of our book. You will need a commercial release from us in order to do so.

We will contact you to advise you that your work has been accepted for publication, after which no correspondence will be entered into. You retain the right to withdraw your work no later than June 2023. Due to printing deadlines, after this date, you are unable to request withdrawal of your work.

Publication date of the Little Book of Green is anticipated late summer 2023, although Dream’s Edge Publishing retain the right to amend or delay publication for any reason.

You do not receive royalties or any form of remuneration for any work accepted for submission, although as a contributor, you will receive a discount on any books you wish to purchase as ‘author copies.’

If your work is accepted by us for publication, we do ask that you don’t re-publish anywhere else for at least six months after our book is published.

Stories can be up to 6k word count, poems any length, you can submit up to five works of art (in jpeg form please do not send physical works).

All contributors whose work is accepted by us for publication will be contacted but no further contact will be made apart from that.

Closing date for all submissions is 1st December 2023.

No adult content, extreme violence, offensive content will be published, and no nude or offensive art will be published either, the publishers’ decision is final.

So get thinking of the world around us and the environment as a whole and get creative with stories, poems and even art. We look forward to hearing from you and, if this goes well, we hope to make it an annual thing.

We at Dream’s Edge Publishing, Christine, Graeme and Sandra care about our environment and the world as a whole. We know you do too, so let’s show the planet.


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The second novel by D.L. Hynes is on sale now.

If you time travel into the past, will the future stay the now that you know?

The Man Who Had Everything by D.L. Hynes, the second historical fantasy/time travel novel in her popular series, explores this while plunging the reader into a real-life murder case a century old.

In this engrossing puzzle, time-sleuths Val and Marv return from their last adventure only to learn two friends they just left in 1971 have disappeared into 1921 - with an elderly ex-showgirl who may be a killer. Of course, a lot of people might have taken out silent screen director William Desmond Taylor - from his famous lovers to their famous exes, from stage mothers to blackmailers. But Val and Marv can’t stay in the present knowing their friends got famous in 1922 - before one got killed and the other vanished into history.

After all, history is written by the victors, and our heroes won’t give up on their friends without a fight – even if that fight is with not only Jazz Age killers but time itself.


D.L. Hynes' first novel The Man In 18E is still on sale:

In 1971, a middle-aged man carrying $200,000 cash (a cool million and a half today) parachuted out of the airplane he’d just politely hijacked.
Then he vanished into thin air, launching the legend of D.B. Cooper.

Feisty but disillusioned with modern-day life, Valerie Valera becomes fascinated and obsessed with the man and all things 70’s, thinking she would give anything to travel back and find out exactly what happened.

Time travel is a funny thing, and some dreams do come true, so when Val, along with her attractive, affable, intriguing neighbour, Marv, are yanked back to just days before the skyjacking, they make it their mission to find out what’s really become of… THE MAN IN 18-E.

This quirky debut time travel novel by D.L. Hynes is an engrossing, humorous adrenaline ride you’ll want to go back and read again and again.



We are so pleased to announce the signing of talented up and coming poet, writer and all-round good egg Lisa Taylor.

This is the reveal of her debut poetry book Butterfly Mind, which will be on presale really soon and will be publishing on the 30th of June.

Lisa first started writing poetry on Twitter in January 2022. Her writing draws inspiration from her experiences of living with chronic illness (ME/CFS) and her love of the outdoors and nature.

Her poetry book Butterfly Mind is on sale now and available in e-book and hardback.


Take Flight with Lisa Taylor’s Butterfly Mind

“Lisa Taylor is one of the most exciting and distinctive new voices I know in poetry.” – Jonathan Edwards

Butterfly Mind is a beautiful and diverse first collection of poems, haiku and insightful observations brought to us by poet, Lisa Taylor. Finding inspiration and wonder in the everyday, Lisa takes us on a journey into her world; flitting from childhood memories of her Blue Raleigh, to her thought provoking interpretation of an archaeological dig in An Audience With The King.
Immerse yourself in the creativity and magic of Butterfly Mind. Who knows where Lisa’s imagination will take us next?



Insidious Things - A Trilogy of Works by C.C. Adams is a collection of all three of his books published by Dream's Edge Publishing.

But Worse Will Come

Theodore Papakostas lives a normal life. Holds down a day job. Struggles with his weight. With women, he’s more ‘miss’ than ‘hit.’ He’s humble – a far cry from the bullying behaviour of his childhood. Days long forgotten.
Something has caught wind of him. Something that warned Theo long ago that if their paths crossed again, Theo would not survive. And Theo’s world is turned into a waking nightmare: a struggle to stay ahead of the terror. Because all those years ago, sunset was just the beginning …but worse will come.
This book was previously published in 2018


One-night stands; lots of Londoners have had them. But when Vicki Henry joins their ranks, her carefree night of passion has a terrible consequence.
After the act, she is leaking a fluid that looks...unusual. Coupled with the growing signs of pregnancy and recurring nightmares, these raise disturbing questions for Vicki. Like: just who was her partner? And what did he do to her?
Assuming he was human at all?

This book was previously published in 2020


This book was previously published in 2023

Shirley Redmond has a job, a family, and a home; all things to be thankful for.
In spite of her blessings, she feels discontent with a day-to-day life lacking in excitement and purpose.

But that’s about to change.

When a brush with death gives Shirley a brand-new perspective, she wrestles with the enormity of it. Until finally deciding to change lives for the better – starting with her own.

That will be her first mistake.


CC Adams horror novel Closure is out now and available in e-book and paperback. This is his third and probably best book with us.

Shirley Redmond has a job, a family, and a home; all things to be thankful for.
In spite of her blessings, she feels discontent with a day-to-day life lacking in excitement and purpose.
But that’s about to change.

When a brush with death gives Shirley a brand-new perspective, she wrestles with the enormity of it. Until finally deciding to change lives for the better – starting with her own.

That will be her first mistake.


We are very proud to welcome top cartoonist, animator, and writer Mathew Harvey to our publishing house.

He is working on a very exciting book to show of his cartoon skills looking at the nostalgia of kids TV shows of the 80’s & 90’s.

Also, he will be contributing to a top-secret project that we hope to reveal very soon.

We know by the quality of his work his book will be a best seller, the first of many we hope

Matthew Harvey aka @Rustydoodles86 on Twitter loved to draw cartoons as a child sadly his great love was only halted when he left school. “Get a proper job” school advisors would say!

But back in 2020, like a lot of other people, he had quite a lot of free time on his hands, so he started drawing again. Through the power of social media, he started getting some good advice and great feedback.

He likes to make people smile with his art and loves taking them back down memory lane.

“If someone sees my cartoon characters and smiles then that’s enough for me,” Mathew says.

We hope you like his work and hope it brightens up your day and look forward to seeing more in his first cartoon character nostalgia book coming soon.

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